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Jennings Street House



Interior Design

Project Management


Jennings Street House

This project was the ultimate Seventies Revival. Transforming a bland 1970s blonde brick veneer to create a home that is now a light-filled contemporary delight. This major renovation included a new roof, replacing the tired tiles with galvanised steel, major changes to external and internal structure and key visual components, new black powder coated steel double glazed high performing windows and doors throughout to fully appreciate the beautiful views visible in all directions from the site, along with specialised underfloor heating and zoned air conditioning to accommodate the variables of the Central Victorian climate. The interior (divided into two distinct zones) was transformed into a luxe open plan living area with added sophistication through the extensive use of wall panelling which extends to the very private light filled bedrooms, bathrooms and hall.  Every element of this home was carefully considered and modernised with bespoke finishes, stone, joinery, herringbone oak floors, architectural lighting and the latest CBUS technology.  This home is now a shining light on the hill, resplendent and elegant for the owners to enjoy and a tribute to the talents of the Team assembled by the clients to fully realise the potential the property offered.

Landscaping designed by internationally renowned Paul Bangay who describes this project below:

The idea behind the design was to create a relaxed garden Oasis to surround the newly renovated home. 

The refined yet bold pallet of Hedera, Buxus, Rhaphiolepis and Bay contrast with the new charcoal exterior of the house. 

When entering up the Wistow Stone steps you are met with a large tranquil pond surrounded by lawn creating an impressive arrival point. 

These basalt steppers originating from South Australia patterned through lawn wrap around the house linking the entry pond garden to an outdoor entertaining terrace.”